Is it safe to wear a bib in a car seat? Experts say Yes!

The first question any parent has about any product is:

Is it safe for my baby or child?

The first question we asked when we considered putting a bib on our carsick baby:

Is it safe for babies and children to wear a Bib in a car seat?

Car seat safety experts say: YES!

Dr. Alisa Baer, Pediatrician and Co-founder of The Car Seat Lady:

"Because cleaning vomit out of car seats, particularly the straps, is a parenting nightmare, we suggest having your prone-to-puking child wear a bib/smock OVER the straps to keep the car seat and themselves nice and clean should the grossness happen."

Michelle Pratt, Safe in the Seat, Certified Car Seat Expert:

"Using different bibs is incredibly helping to catch the majority of what's going on in the car seat."
"It’s safe over harness."

Britney Schroeder, Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST):

"If you're worried about keeping your child's outfit clean, you can rest assured that it is safe for them to wear a bib in their car seat."

Is the Car Seat Bib safe?


  • It’s safe because it’s worn over the harness.
  • It’s safe because it goes on over the car seat buckles so it doesn’t affect the functionality of the car seat.
  • It’s safe because it's made in the USA with kid-safe, hypo-allergenic, toxin-free (BPA-free, PFAS-free, PFOA-free), CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) certified, eco-friendly, high-quality organic material.
  • It’s safe because it's consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) certified, meeting stringent standards by the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission.

Stop the mess: Get your own Car Seat Bib.